Select Publications

Knipfer T, Bambach N, Hernandez MI, Bartlett MK, Sinclair G, Duong F, Kluepfel DA, McElrone AJ. 2020. Predicting stomatal closure and turgor loss in woody plants using predawn and midday water potential. Plant Physiology doi: 10.1104/pp.20.00500.

Knipfer T, Reyes C, Momayyezi M, Brown PJ, Kluepfel D, McElrone AJ. 2020. A comparative study on physiological responses to drought in walnut genotypes (RX1, Vlach, VX211) commercially available as rootstocks. Trees 34: 665-678.

Knipfer T, Reyes C, Earles JM, Berry ZC, Johnson D, Brodersen CR, McElrone AJ. 2019. Spatiotemporal coupling of vessel cavitation and discharge of stored xylem water in a tree sapling. Plant Physiology 179: 1658-1668.

Knipfer T, Cuneo I, Brodersen C, McElrone AJ. 2016. In-situ visualization of the dynamics in xylem embolism formation and removal in the absence of root pressure: A study on excised grapevine stems. Plant Physiology 171: 1024-1036.

Knipfer T, Besse M, Verdeil JL, Fricke W. 2011. Aquaporin-facilitated water uptake in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 4115-4126.

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